Smoking In The 21st Century

Dawn Southgate
7/5/2021 9:30:00 AM

These last 18 months have highlighted how the human body can be frail. 

But every year 58million die and 8.7million are estimated to die because of tobacco.

Our World in Data collate and present data on the world’s largest problems and have over 3000 charts across nearly 300 topics. Their briefing on smoking details the history of smoking in the US (as they say most high-income countries were very similar). It maps cigarette sales against lung cancer mortality. Other charts show the % of tax across the world, advertising bans and those that help population to quit smoking.

The House of Commons Library published a Research Briefing on Aug 2020 that details the situation across Great Britain (all fully referenced). It pulls together a range of datasets – ONS data on adults smoking habits and e-cigarette usage and an NHS data on young people and smoking, drink and drugs, services available to stop smoking, hospital admissions and attributable death rates. On current estimates smoking costs the UK economy £14billion a year.

NHS Digital Portal

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